Demo Blog

Point Blank

by Yaiman on Nov.22, 2009, under

Title: Point Blank
Genre: Online FPS
Developer: Zepetto, Korea
Publisher in Korea: NCsoft
Country in service: Korea, Thailand

Publisher in Indonesia: PT. KREON
Closed Beta: April, 2009
Payment: Free to Play with Item Mall

Introduction :

CT Force

Due to conflicts with immigrants who increasingly widespread, the government decided to set up a special organization to deal with the terrorists, selected 30 elite forces in carrying out this mission.
Since the establishment of this organization, seeking information and the existence of a terrorist organization called the Free Rebles. In line with the increasing terrorist threat from the organization Free Rebels, government troops and then send help the best that ever existed in the government who then come and join and changed its name into CT-FORCE (Counter Terrorist Force).

Free Rebels

Increasing number of immigrants who are not getting jobs and expelled from society, so to survive the immigrants then perform a variety of criminal acts from robbery to drug distribution.
This criminal action evolved into an organized movement to form an organization called the Free Rebels. Another purpose is not to master the entire drug trafficking and weapons throughout the world and create fear for the community.

Game Modes

Blank points a game mode that has some unique and different. Some of them are:

Team Death Match
Typically fast-paced battle to train the ability to play.

Mission Explosion
Players must have a strategy and a good team can win this game mode.

Destruction Mission
Each - each team must destroy the object provided to get the points.
Weapon System

At the Point Blank provided a wide range of weapons to choose from today and modified depending on your taste and style of play the player itself.

There are additional accessories such as silencers, fast reload, focus aim, and scope zoom to make a more personal weapons. Changing weapons in Point Blank is also quite easy, with a button directly faced with the choice of weapons to digunakanan on next respawn. There are several weapons with special features that no other weapons.

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